I heard a story about some young men who were trying to move a grand piano to another room in church for an activity. Now like the name implies, the grand piano is quite big. I think it’s the biggest in the piano/keyboard family. I stand to be corrected.

As is expected, they had a very difficult time moving it. Their pushing, pulling, lifting and groaning was all in vain. The leader of the church branch walked by and saw these young men struggling. He then suggested that they all lifted where they stood. That is they should take their mind off moving the grand piano and just focus on lifting up the part of the grand piano that was where they stood.

I’m sure they might have reacted like the apostles then fishermen who were fishing all night without any success. Anyhow, they tried it and it worked for them! And so gradually and gently, very steadily, they were able to carry the grand piano to the activity hall.

The most populous black nation on earth is a lot like this grand piano. If all the African nations are to be compared to the various keyboards/pianos there are, Nigeria would surely be in the grand piano tier.

Some of you might be thinking, “grand piano ke?” Yes! A grand piano. Maybe faulty, but a grand piano still. A grand piano that’s in need of moving to the hall of greatness. A grand piano that needs able bodied youth, to move it forward.

Just as it is insane and nearly diabolical to ask one person to move a grand piano, so it is to think moving Nigeria forward is the work of government alone. In fact, with the way our government is, a government where we have a lot of people with selfish interest, who have no desire to help the people, we might pend. For a very long time. (I recognize the fact that there are still a few who have vision for the country. But please let’s be honest, those without this vision, greatly outnumber those with it.)

The same way it does not make sense, to ask the aged ones, the oldies, to move a grand piano is the same way it doesn’t make sense for we youth, able bodied ones(people in their 30s are still classified as youth) to abandon the work of moving Nigeria forward for the older ones. See Ehn, most of them are filled with sentiments and unpatriotism and as such leaving it for the old ones is as disastrous as leaving a plane in the hands of a toddler.

Seeing most youth are not eligible to go into politics, how then do we move Nigeria forward? Simple! Lift where you stand! The little you can do in your neighborhood, school,church or workplace do it. When you hear people talking negatively about the country, you put in a good word. Help restore people’s faith in Nigeria. Be a good citizen. Avoid tribal and religious sentiments like you would an Ebola patient. And so on and so forth.

If you just take a little time to think about this, you would see that in your little corner of Nigeria, you can make a difference. You can! We can! Yes we can. Wherever you find yourself do your best. Do it well.
One of my favorite quotes is this “whatever thou art, do well thy part.”

We all have a part to play. We all have a part we can lift. Do this, don’t mind discouragement and those who’d want to bring us down as a country. Do this and I know that as surely as those young men were able to that grand piano, as surely as the sun would rise each day, we would move forward, we would attain our greatest height and we would be well pleased with ourselves.

Thank you for reading.

God bless you and may HE always bless the federal republic of Nigeria.