With Ayo Busari there is certainly more than meets the eye. While he’s very popular for his thriving photography, and his experiments with filmography, this I tell you is just the tip of the iceberg of what he can do.

Like did you know, he designs graphics, writes poems, songs and articles from time to time! Me I’m one person that’s all about transcending society’s bounds and living above already established status quo (Check out Nnamdi,and  Meka also ), because of that, it shouldn’t be hard to see why I am in awe of this young man Busari. Doing well in a society that has made us to believe if you do more than one thing you can never do any well.

Fueled by his love for art and nature, and his dream to see people of color earn major recognition in the global art industry, he has chosen to study journalism and media. 
Ayo drives himself to do more, to be more by teaching himself most of what he knows. “It’s just practice and practice.”, He said. But not without adding  “and few sleepless nights.” His motto being if I try, I can it is not hard to see why he can do well in a bunch of things.

When asked what he’ll like the world to know, this is what he has to say, “I’m just a camera boy who loves art and nature, I am always trying to capture moments in words and images.” 

Well Ayo has captured my admiration, love and respect this night. If you asked me this feature was long overdue. But I’m glad I waited. So now anyone reading this would know Ayo Busari is more than just about photography. Ayo is trying to make an impact! One project at a time. 

In the mean time, his short film, Zanto the strange man drops anytime soon. You can be sure I’ll keep you posted. Do look forward to it.



I know a guy. He wants to be a DJ. He’s serious about it and I’m proud of him. 

He took to his Twitter the other day, to inform friends and haters of his new love. I sent him a Dm, I wanted to know just how serious he was. And he really meant it. 
I hope he knows that when I said I was in support I really meant it too. 

In a time when everyone wants to take photos, start a cloth line or model it’s very refreshing for me to see someone doing something outside the established clichés. 
I think the reason for that, why people are crowding those three I mentioned earlier is because they’ve adopted this chase money mentality. And they feel like oh people have made it through this fields so I must too, forgetting that they are breaking and entering Into an already crowded market and are making matters worse for themselves. 

See money is like someone out of your league. Why you spend time and energy chasing after money, money is chasing after the person in its league. That person is called value. 

So what if you stepped up? What if you provided something people value? Things that are in demand? If the demand is not existing already, then create it. Help people see why they need what you’re offering. 

The result would be that this time, money would be the one chasing you. 

I hope in your life, you get to the point where money chases after and overtakes you. 

It’s my wish and prayer for you this day and also that you have a wonderful week. In Jesus Christ’s name amen! 

Happy mothers’ day all!


In my opinion, Director X, Clarence Peters and Demola Falomo have one major thing in common!

If you didn’t already know, it’s the fact that they’re all directors and have a deep love for what they do. 

For this post however, I would be focussing on my favorite of the three. Demola Falomo, or as we love to call him, demolathedirector.

Demola Falomo, is a young college student, an alumni of dansol high school and a budding director/cinematographer. 

According to him, it started close to 2 years ago, as a result of his love for audio and pictures. And even learnt and practiced both at a time. 

His urge to provide meaningful content and to pass helpful messages through his work pushed him even further. And that’s how he ended up in cinematography. Where he is blending his expertise in audio and pictures for our viewing pleasure.

His motivation include his knowledge of him being special and having something unique to offer, and his desire to be a positive influence to all around him. 

A major challenge he’s faced though, is shooting and editing in a short time frame because he loves perfection. In his words, “I like my things perfect. And trying to achieve perfection + time tight space = challenge” 

His advice to other young directors and cinematographers is to be patient. Both with yourself and your actors. Your actors especially. Because they won’t always get that scene or story exactly how you want it! But with patience and tolerance. 
Below, are the link to some of my favorite works of his. 

This one right here, is the first one I watched.

Here’s the latest, Afope a story of lost opportunity.

This here, is the link to his first short story. A scary morning.

At the moment, he’s working on a new one, And I know it’ll be nothing short of good. 

Demola, I hope you never lose your zeal. I hope you pursue your dreams but not just for yourself this time, but also for those who’ll be expecting you to do great and those who your work you’ll influence. 

We believe in you. 

I want to end with the words of a popular young photographer, “get to know him now, or famz later”. 

It’s your choice. 

*yells cut! 


A big thank you to Oyinda who nominated me for the “one lovely blog” award. This is a first and as such I’m excited. 
By the way, I follow oyinda’s blog and I love what she posts, I’m sure you would too. (Check out dust to dust and someone worth imitating on her blog now!! those are 2 of my favorites posts)

The following are the rules for the award.
1. You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
2. You must list the rules and display the award
3. You must add 7 facts about yourself
4. You must nominate 15 other bloggers and leave a comment on one of their posts to let them know they have been nominated


7 facts about me.

I’m an Igbo Nigerian. 

I’m a Christian. 

I love to read and write.

I’m an idea guy.

I’m goal driven.

I have big dreams.

I enjoy putting smiles on people’s faces.

I hereby nominate the following;
Thank you ✌🏾️✌🏾. 


This post is in loving memory of Oluchi Anekwe 300 level student at the university of Lagos,who was electrocuted to death on Tuesday 8 September 2015. She did not go looking for trouble,it’s kind of like the Twitter trend #iwasinmylaneandtrailercametojamme only this time it was a live wire as she was walking to her dorm room. 
The worst part about it is not even that she had so much to live for of which included graduating with  a first class degree in Accounting, but that the pole from which the live wire fell and hit her was not even delivering current to the school and had been giving out such sparks for a while now. Sadly no authorities did anything about it. Hence the protests. 
She is described by all who knew her described her as beautiful, vibrant and brilliant. Her death could and should have been averted. One can only hope this would be the last of such deaths. 
Rest in peace Oluchi Anekwe your death would not be in vain and you won’t be forgotten in a hurry. 
S/o to @_Tomixo who gave me the idea for this post.