5 ideas to INSTANTLY turn your life around and Achieve your goals BEFORE THE YEAR IS OVER.

Here are some ideas that I’ve been learning from mentors and applying the last couple weeks. I feel following these to the detail would bring me a lot closer to my end of the year goals than anything else.

Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. You would either lose a ton of money or time in the process, and there is the risk of having nothing to show for it. You need to find somebody who is operating in your field and winning and model, not copy but model, what they do! This is advice that works in anything from writing papers(lol trust me I would know), to starting a business.

Proximity is key. They say your income is the average of your 5 closest friends, and I firmly believe they. If you want something or want to become a certain somebody go to places where people who a) already have that thing, and b) people who want to have that thing congregate. The advantages of being in that atmosphere of people gunning for similar goals cannot be overstated. Just by being there your eyes are opened to possibilities you never thought possible and networking.

This next one, goes hand in hand with the previous tip and has a lot to do with what you feed your mind. One thing I have convinced myself is that the difference between me and the people who have what I want or the people I want to be like can be boiled down to three things. One, what they feed their mind mind with; Two, how they spend their 24 hours, and Three, the people they associate with. I then decided that one way to achieve my goals is to immerse myself in the same content as my mentors. Not to hate on rap but music has been reduced to just when I’m in the gym and occasionally I would listen to an audio book  in the gym instead, that’s how deeply I am trying to immerse myself.

Careful who you take advice from. If they don’t have what you want you don’t have any business taking their advice. For example, a broke individual doesn’t have shit to tell me about where to put my money and investing, and a dude who’s never had girlfriend can’t teach me how to get a girl . Once you get started on this journey you would have a bunch of naysayers and negative people who try to tell you it won’t work out or that the people you are following are scammers. If such a person doesn’t have what you want don’t listen to them.

Lastly, never eat lunch alone. I have a mentor who said in the last 15 years he’s never eaten lunch alone its always with a client or prospective business partner. Thats a whole lot of lunches which translates to a whole lot of deals which means a whole lot of money. So I put my own spin on it, I will not eat lunch alone, it will always be with people who I can learn something from or people with whom I am interested in furthering a relationship with.

I would love to know which of these ideas you thought was really cool or which of these ideas you’re already working on.

Remember execution is key.


It’s a sad thing to be stuck in the friend zone. That is, when you are really interested in a person, but it seems all they’ll ever look at you is as a friend. 

But it’s even worse to be stuck in the idea zone. That is, to remain in the realm of grand ideas but never bringing any into fruition. 

The thought of that too me, is the scariest thing since the purge. No on a more serious note, the only thing more scarier to me than being stuck in the idea zone is being locked out of heaven. 

But just like with tact and skill a body can get out of the friendzone, there are certain things which can get you out of the idea zones and into the reality of our dreams. 

So read on, and I’ll be sharing some advice I’ve picked from 3 father figures in my life. 

When kolade introduced me to Mr. Adekunle-Ajayi, now this is how I remember it, he said, “Ochulo and I, we have ideas that could change our world.”

Mr. Adekunle Ajayi looked quite pleased and began to make discussion with me as a father would with his son. Before he left though, he gave me some advice. 

He told me that in whatever I had plans to do, one of the things that would help me, Is to set a definite time frame by which that idea/goal/vision ought to have been accomplished. 

Working with a time frame in mind, would increase ones chances of succeeding at that thing. 

Yesterday after church, I spoke with another of my fathers, Mr. Charles Adebayo. With him, I shared the fears which I just introduced to you. 
He told me not to have any place for fear. But he didn’t stop there. He explained to me how the Internet was my greatest resource. 

He said, “anything you want to do, there’s someone who would have thought of it, carried it out, and left jt on the Internet. Even if it’s not exactly the same thing but similar. And you can learn how to carry it out from the Internet.” 

I find this very helpful. The Internet is home to lots of information. Positive and negative. When used well, the Internet is a tool to get us out of the idea zone and into our dreams. 

For some, it is the fact that they feel incompetent or as Ayo would say, (no shades thrown here my g!) amateurish, that traps them in the idea zone. 

If that’s you, or you know someone like that, here’s some advice from my biological father Mr. Francis O. Nmeribe. 

My dad was talking to my sisters and I was in the room. What it was about, I’m not quite sure as I usually mind my own when they have father-daughter moments. 
Somehow though, my ears tuned in to what I needed to hear. 
He said, “Apple was built by amateurs. Microsoft was built by an amateur. But the titanic was built by experts.” 

I’ll just let that sink in. I hope the words of these three wise men would find a place in your heart as they have in mine. 

I hope they would mean to you as much as they mean to me. 

I hope you value them. 

But even more fervently, I hope you leave the idea zone and start living your dreams. 
Photo source.


Hey everyone! I hope the beginning of your 2016 has been a chilled one! Mine definitely has. 

If you read my last post before somto’s contribution, you should be able to remember I mentioned that a lot of us left 2015 with untapped ideas, unspoken words that should have been spoken, things we should have created that we didn’t etc etc. 

basically, I’m referring to anything that required us to take action that we failed to do.

My plan is to drastically reduce the occurrence of such in my life in this year 2016. I hope you’re thinking that way too.

In a bid to be able to prevet such this year, I came up with this theory/idea, motto or whatever fits best. 

That is to never to go to sleep on an idea. Now let me clarify myself. I just mean after gettin an idea during the day, don’t go to bed without carrying out some action on it. 

Maybe writing it down, and giving it some rational consideration. Maybe carrying out feasibility studies on it. 

If you are creative, it also means that if you get an idea or concept don’t go to bed without putting the first draft/rough work down. 

We need to know that there are no bad ideas. There’s only wrong perspectives, timing, aims, priorities and execution. 

How many times have people written off an idea only for it to turn into a million dollar venture later. 

Don’t let anyone discourage you. Most importantly, don’t discourage yourself by not doing anything about your ideas. 

Ignore your ideas and much later you might wish you hadn’t when you see someone do something similar and reap rewards as a result!

Image source.